Monday, June 9, 2008

Something Heidi wrote for VC Clue's May Newsletter

I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that life feels incredibly crowded right now. I am almost never sure that what I am doing at any given moment is what I should be doing and I always wonder if I should be focused on one of the seemingly million other things calling for attention. For four hours a week I don’t wonder. From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Mondays I am absolutely certain that I am doing the right thing.
What is keeping me sane and focused is the island of calm and peace that I have found in the house behind the church. There is a devoted mother caring for her children. There is a baby receiving love from his mother and from the array of people who come to visit. This lovely family is doing what we are all attempting to do, which is to do the right thing for our families. The bravery and the faith that Liliana and her family show give me something to aim for.
I feel so honored to be part of the community of this church and the other communities of faith who are working to help Liliana. I have met people who dazzle me with their compassion, their love and their fortitude, who put aside their own comfort and concerns to do what is right. When I first began to hear the protestors outside on Sunday morning I found it jarring and frightening. As time has gone on when I hear them yelling into their bullhorns I sincerely wish that they could experience the joy and peace that I feel and that I think we all feel inside the building, giving and receiving the love, tenderness and care that sustain us all. We have become a true circle of compassion, giving when needed and receiving always. Liliana is at the center of our circle and she gives infinitely more than she receives.

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